


From: Warningthepeople


        耶稣的确说过:“你们无论什么人,若不撇下一切所有的,就不能作我的门徒。”(路加福音 14:33 和合本)  如果你想知道跟随耶稣和否认自己意味着什么,你需要与耶稣建立真正的关系,你需要向他祈祷,聆听他的声音,然后顺服他告诉你做的一切。



 What you MUST do to be saved (1)

What You Must Give Up to Be Saved

Jesus did say; “Whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot by My disciple.” If you want to know what it means to follow Jesus and deny yourself, you need a REAL relationship with Jesus, you need to be praying to Him, HEARING HIM and then obeying whatever HE tells you to do. 

BEWARE, because there is also an enemy, satan, who accuses the brethren day and night, and the devil has a VERSION of what it means to follow Jesus FOR YOU, he will tell you that you are not denying yourself properly. That if you still have a house, if you still are married, if you still have kids, etc. then you are not hating your own life even to the death. 

The devil confuses the children of God, and if you give the devil any room to accuse you and beat you down he will. Make SURE that you are REALLY hearing from JESUS, because if you are in a right relationship with Jesus HE will tell you just what it means to follow Him and to be right with Him. If you want to know what it means to deny yourself, to take up your cross, and to get rid of the things in your life that are useless, then listen to JESUS, GO WITH HIM, BECAUSE HE HAS THE WORDS OF LIFE!
